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QLD Tour – Visit 3 Farms in the Lachlan Valley

Moxey Farms and Slivermere on the Lachlan Valley in NSW were delighted to welcome a farmers group from South East Queensland to Orange and Forbes last month. In the modern dairy system we are starting to understand how we can control the environment that the cows lives. 

A production cow generates more heat then 16 x 100w light globes and require 250% more oxygen then a horse at the same weight . Therefore in animals under a shed require effective velocity (at cow level), air exchange and temperature drop in any climate. By controlling this environments can give our cows a level of cow comfort that will increase production, improve bedding and stocking rates, deduce respiratory disease and improve breeding performance. 

On our tour to Colin Thompson  – Slivermere just outside of Cowra, with a recent installation of ECVC fans into the free stall barn and seen a huge improvements in cow comfort.